Hastanemize muayeneye gelirken;

- Identity card,
- Old analysis results and films, if any,
- If any, the drugs they use and their list,
- Health certificates, if any,
- List of drugs and other allergies, if any,
- List of chronic diseases and old epicrisis documents, if any,
- List of previous hospital procedures, disease histories, if any,
- If known, the names of the previously treated physician
Taking it with you will save both you and your doctor from wasting time and unnecessary tests, and will speed up the diagnosis and treatment of your problem.

In cases where blood is required, it is necessary to fast within the last 8 hours.

During the examination in our hospital, although it varies according to the polyclinic, it is recommended that our patients wear tight and non-tight clothes for the convenience of the physicians.

Or as an alternative to all these, you can sign up for the ministry of health e-nabız and activate the option to share it with your doctor.